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Juan Diaz makes weight, full weigh in results from Tucson!

Juan Diaz 134.6 vs. Cesar Vasquez 135.4

Trevor McCumby 177.2 vs. Dion Savage 179

Alexander Johnson 174.6 vs. Egor Mekhontsev 174.4

Jose Marufo 142 vs. Alfonso Olvera 140

Kevin Womack 148.6 vs. Alexander Besputin 151

Jensen Ramirez 130 vs. Gerardo Avila 129.8

Yomi Heredia 164,6 vs. Albert Alvarez 163.4

Manuel Lopez 132.4 vs. Jesus Arevalo 130.2

Jesse Ruiz 114.2 vs. Mike Martinez 114.4


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Felix Gracia

Felix Gracia

I am the owner of Inside the Ropes since we launched in May of 2010. I have been involved in the sport since I was a kid as I was bred into a Boxing family. To this day, nothing excites me more than the sport of boxing. It is the only sport I watch and after all of these years I am still extremely passionate about it.